Translated by M. Malekzandi(, December 1998, from NeoGeo Freak. This FAQ is for Samurai Spirits 64 2.  It is compiled with the hope of helping players of SS64 2 overcome what I have personally found to be the most obnoxious Boss in any fighting game (playing Yuga is like taking on a tank with a toothpick if you don't know your stuff).  I left out a couple of players who I personally regard as a Waste of Space for the faq.  I won't even bother naming them.  If you want to find the strategies for using these characters, I suggest buying the December 1998 issue of NeoGeo Freak and translating it yourself. Of course these strategies are not really my own original ones, but those translated from Last month's issue of NeoGeo Freak.  Don't expect these strategies to win the game for you.  You have to learn a lot of tricks on your own before you'll ever see Yuda.  If your lucky, you won't have to take on a human Bust Hanzo player along the way, but that's my own ery personal opinion. If you want to sell this for money, I can't say anyhing other than that these notes are published and from NeoGeo freak, which might mean little to nothing, especially if you can sucker someone into buying it in the first place. Now with the subsance! Asura: Since Yuga doesn't stretch back too much 1. keep attacking with SCS (a-a-a).  Keep close to Yuga but protect from being thrown. 2. Another technique is to draw back, wait for Yuga to attack, counter.  However this is risky.  If you wish to win steadily, use first strategy instead. Morosumi Taisan: -Wait patiently until yuga unleashes its big attack.  Disappoint them by blocking it, after, SCS(A-A-A) relentlessly, despite if it's guarded or not.  Yuga will drop guard eventually. -it's better to press CD right after SCS(A-A-A). Haohmaru: -Against Yuga, use SCS(A-A-A) continuously. -Point is to keep distance little between ourself and opponent (same as Asura). Genjuro: -It's hard to make a big move at once.  So guard youelf from Yuga's combos and SCS(A-A-A) little by little is the trick. -Trick to cause fire ring around to allow you to do a continuous attack after a jump-in attack. -If Yuga draws back implement doule/triple SCS. -When in Fire ring situation, better not to move. Galford: -As soon as match starts, Dash in attack -With Shura, don't use a straight rushdog, instead use: Stand B->cancel, machine gun dog if you hit follow to make him go down (crouch C) -When opponent rises, use multiple #'s of rush dog and  ->->+B Kazama Sougetsu: -Wait and wait until their big attack (like Taisan), then counter with SCS(A-A-A).  Keep doing this, one day they'll have to eat what you throw. -It's better to do C+D after SCS(A-A-A) many times. Kazama Kazuki: -Stay not too far, not too close all the way! -1st level: guard two attacks first (shere shaped attack and dash attack) and counter with Standing C.  Folow with ->+B. -When they do the big beam, return with ->+B again. -When they do a fire ring, jump in and attack. -2nd &3rd levels: Stay close, when attacked, block and return with a Standing C.  After they get hit, they'll crouch (most likel) so follow with a ->+B *Using Rasetsu, after the ->+B, quickly get close give a Standing C. Tachibana Ukyo: Like most others, wait for first attack, guard, counter. 1st level:  Keep middle distance, _wait_ for Sphere attack, then beam attacks, guard, counter with *Using Shura: Stand B, cancel, Snowflake Slash. *Using Rasetsu: attack with Dream Mist(?). if Yuga doesn't seem to block and goes down, do a Tsubame Gaeshi* *point: do Tsubame Gaeshi before they just get up.  Don't wait to see how they can wake up attack. -Against fire ring situations, jump +Tsubame Gaeshi. -2nd and 3rd level: wait for their attacks, always counter. if using Shura, counter with snowflake slash. Shiki: After guarding Yuga, SCS(anything), yuga will most likely block this, so follow with ->+B or another SCS(A-A-A), which should knock them down. Afterwhich, just keep at it with the SCS(A-A-A). -Using Rasetsu: ->->+B -Using Shura: ->A-A-A *BBB hit~dash, or step forward, block quickly, ->B Hanzo: Personal note:You will use Rasetsu.  Watch a Rasetsu Hanzo player and you'll understand... Start with his "sudden jump attack" (i guess jumping A?), or step close, block, counter with your usual pattern (if you get this far with Hanzo, I guess you'll know what NeoFreak means here). -After A level bomb attack, give a standing A pattern, let them land, crouch B, cancel. -Using Rasetsu: Throw, ->+B, A-A-A.